Please try to get your netID set up by next class (Lecture 2, 2025-02-01) so that you can access the lab computers.
I have posted the solutions for the additional tasks (1, 2, 2.5, and 3) on the Unit 1 solutions page (also linked above). The key for the Unit 1 solutions is bumblebee.
I have posted the first assignment on the course site. You can access it from the course site homepage, or go directly here: Assignment 1
Once you download Python, you should have IDLE installed on your computer. For information on using IDLE, see the “Learn something new” PDF file from Lecture 1 above.
Lecture 2
Some additional checks:
Attendance (checked at 30 minutes into lecture)
Check status of netIDs
Discuss Python access on home computers for assignments
Discuss assignment 1
Submission method: copy code into text box, don’t submit a file
Getting the length of a list or string using the len function
How to get the maximum or minimum element in a list or range using a for-loop
How to get the sum or total count of elements that satisfy a certain criteria (e.g., characters that are vowels) in a list or range using a for-loop
How to add elements to a list using the append method
How to get user input with the input function
If you didn’t finish the “Apply what you learned” questions in class, please take some time to finish them on your own. They won’t be graded, but finishing these questions will make you more prepared for the assignments, which are graded.
The Unit 1 assessment is due next week on February 8th at 11:59 PM. Please try to work on it soon so that you aren’t rushing to complete it.
The solutions for the “Apply what you learned” section of class, and the additional tasks, are on the Unit 2 solutions page (also linked above). The key for the Unit 2 solutions is swordfish.
I have posted the second assignment on the course site. You can access it from the course site homepage, or go directly here: Assignment 2
If you don’t have a netID, email the course coordinator to get it sorted out. Please try to have your netID ready by next lecture so we can all use the computers in the classroom.
If you don’t have access to a device running Windows at home, you can use this link to figure out how to download Python and IDLE so that you can complete the homework assignments: Python 3.10 downloads page. Scroll to the bottom of the page to see the downloads for your operating system.
Lecture 3
Attendance (checked at 30 minutes into lecture)
Check status of netIDs
Office hours poll
Discuss assignment 1 (again)
Reminder: due midnight tonight
Submission method: copy code into text box, don’t submit a file
Don’t need to submit output
Answer any questions on assignment 1
Discuss assignment 2
Submission method: only text-box submissions allowed, please indent code!
Discuss grading timeline
Will wait to grade assignment until late deadline (1 week from assignment due date)
The Unit 1 assessment was due last night at 11:59 PM:
If you need to submit late, email me your code.
There is one week for late submissions. Submissions after February 15th at 11:59 PM will not be accepted.
The Unit 2 assessment is due next week on February 15th at 11:59 PM.
The solutions for the “Apply what you learned” section of class, and the additional tasks, are on the Unit 3 solutions page (also linked above). The key for the Unit 3 solutions is tortoise.
I have posted the third assignment on the course site. You can access it from the course site homepage, or go directly here: Assignment 3
Office hours are now on Sunday from 1 PM to 2 PM. See the Brightspace page for the Zoom link.
Lecture 4
Reminder: office hours Sunday 1-2PM
Attendance (checked at 30 minutes into lecture)
Discuss assignment 2
Reminder: due midnight tonight
Submission method: copy code into text box, please indent code!
Don’t need to submit output
Answer any questions on assignment 2 and assignment 3
Discuss assignment 4 - available today
Discuss grading - assignment 1 to be graded Sunday
No more additional tasks, work on HW instead
Begin unit #3
Note: ignore problem #1 in the Apply what you know section, we already did it
importing modules (other Python files), importing specific items from modules
the random module
the join string method
running a function multiple times with different inputs to simulate something, and getting the average or some other metric related to the function results
converting strings and ranges to lists
the range object
the set object
the defaultdict object
The late deadline for the Unit 1 assessment is tonight at 11:59 PM:
If Brightspace doesn’t let you submit late, email me your code.
Submissions after tonight (February 15th) at 11:59 PM will not be accepted.
The Unit 2 assessment is due tonight at 11:59 PM.
If you need to submit late, email me your code.
There is one week for late submissions. Submissions after February 22nd at 11:59 PM will not be accepted.
The solutions for the “Apply what you learned” section of class are on the Unit 4 solutions page (also linked above). The key for the Unit 3 solutions is hummingbird.
I have posted the fourth assignment on the course site. You can access it from the course site homepage, or go directly here: Assignment 4
Office hours are tomorrow (Sunday) from 1 PM to 2 PM. See the Brightspace page for the Zoom link.