CSCI 13300 SP 2025

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Last updated: 2025-01-30

Unit 2: Additional tasks

Please finish the “Apply what you learned” section before you begin these tasks.

Solutions will be made available at the end of class, in the same page as the solutions to the “Apply what you learned” exercises.

Task 1: Maximum words and line lengths in characters

Print out the following information about the content of pap.txt:

  1. Maximum line length (characters, not words) and the line that had the maximum length
  2. Maximum word length and the word that had the maximum length

Task 2: Word length statistics

Print out the following descriptive statistics related to word length in pap.txt:

  1. Average word length (\hat\mu)
  2. Mode (most common) word length
  3. Least common word length
  4. Median word length

Task 3: Sample variance and sample standard deviation of mean word length

Use the following formulas for sample variance and sample standard deviation, using the following definitions:

\begin{aligned} \text{sample variance} &= \frac{1}{n-1}\sum_{i=1}^n (x_i-\hat\mu)^2 \\ \text{sample standard deviation} &= \sqrt{\frac{1}{n-1}\sum_{i=1}^n (x_i-\hat\mu)^2} \end{aligned}

If we haven’t gone over it by this point, you can raise a number to a power in Python using the syntax a**b, which will give you a^b. You can use this syntax for square roots as well, if you choose the correct value of b.

Task 4: Zipf distribution

From Wikipedia:

Zipf’s Law states that when a list of measured values is sorted in decreasing order, the value of the nth entry is often inversely proportional to n.

Verify for yourself that the frequency of words in pap.txt is consistent with this law, using the following steps:

Task 5: Trying out matplotlib and other libraries


If you are running into import issues with matplotlib or numpy, try the following in the cmd shell (accessible via the search menu and typing “cmd”):

python -m pip install matplotlib numpy

Let me know if this doesn’t work.

Part 1: Create a histogram

Create a histogram for word length frequency in pap.txt, using the matplotlib plotting library.

Below is a template for your code, which needs to import matplotlib and call the plt.hist() function. I have also added a numpy import of arange which allows us to have the bins in the histogram align exactly with the numbers on the resulting plot.

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from numpy import arange

with open('pap.txt', 'r') as f:

bins = arange(25) - 0.5
# you need to define word_lengths
plt.hist(word_lengths, bins)

You should get the following plot:

Part 2: Fitting a curve

Try fitting a Gamma distribution to the word frequency data, and plot the result.

Here are the imports you should use:

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from numpy import arange
import scipy.stats as stats

And here is some boilerplate that will plot the word histogram and the fit of the distribution:

bins = arange(30) - 0.5
plt.hist(lengths, bins, density=True)

fit_alpha, fit_loc, fit_beta =
y = stats.gamma.pdf(lengths, a=fit_alpha, loc=fit_loc)
plt.plot(lengths, y, '-', color='red')

All you need to do is supply the word lengths as a list.

You should get the following plot: