CSCI 13300 SP 2025

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Last updated: 2025-02-05

Unit 3: Additional tasks

Please finish the “Apply what you learned” section before you begin these tasks.

Solutions will be made available at the end of class, in the same page as the solutions to the “Apply what you learned” exercises.

Task 1: Solve a quadratic

Create a function quadsolve that takes in the parameters a, b, and c of a quadratic equation ax^2 + bx + c = 0 and applies the quadratic formula to determine the solutions.

Example usage:

result = quadsolve(1, 4, -5)

# prints [-5, 1]

Task 2: Matrix multiplication

Write a function mmult2 that takes in two 2 by 2 matrices A and B (as 1-dimensional lists of size 4) and returns A\times B (also as a 1-dimensional list of size 4).

Example usage:

result = mmult2([1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8])

# prints [19, 22, 43, 50]


Create a function mmult to perform n by n square matrix multiplication:


result = mmult([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], [9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1])

# prints [30, 24, 18, 84, 69, 54, 138, 114, 90]

Task 3: Guessing game

Python’s random function

Use the following line to import the random function from the standard random library Python provides:

from random import random

You can call the random function like this:

x = random()

This will generate a random decimal number between 0 and 1, and assign the value to the variable x.

Task description

Make a game where the user needs to guess a (whole) number between 0 and 100:


Enter a number: 43
Too low!
Enter a number: 67
Too low!
Enter a number: 88
Too high!
Enter a number: 71
Too low!
Enter a number: 74
Correct! It took you 5 guesses.


Task 4: Estimate \pi with random.random()

Recall the formulas for the area of a square and of a circle:

Use these formulas and the random function described above to estimate the value of \pi, by estimating frequency of random points in a square falling within a circle inscribed within it.

Task 5: Minimum moves

Write a function minmoves that takes two parameters - two squares in algebraic chess notation - and returns the minimum number of moves required for a bishop to move from the first square to the second square.


result1 = minmoves('a8', 'a6')
print(result1) # prints 2

result2 = minmoves('a7', 'a6')
print(result2) # prints -1


Create a similar function for knights.


result1 = minmovesKnight('a8', 'a6')
print(result1) # prints 2

result2 = minmovesKnight('a7', 'a6')
print(result2) # prints 3